

Event Details:

Donation Requirement:

Annual dues are $15.

Meeting Dates:

This group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. 



The location varies each month; call one of the contact persons listed above for details. 

Group Description

Are you looking for an interesting and lively group that participates in a variety of activities? Then Funables is the group for you.

Each monthly meeting will bring you something new and different.  We take local, monthly trips to see the sites and experience what our local area has to offer. Some of our 2023 trips included a visit to a gorgeous Alpaca Ranch, the Cataldo Cathedral, St John’s Cathedral, pottery making, wine tasting, and a High Tea.

Funables is a year-round group that is only dark in January. The cost is $15.00 to join.  We have a cost for each event which varies.

Any 3Cs member can join the Funables.  For each monthly event, we have lunch and a short business meeting, followed by the planned activity.

(Tours are subject to change.)

Please contact for more information.